Tuesday, July 08, 2014

The Happy List

smoked salmon and salad for lunch

decluttering a small area each day - an online challenge I'm taking part in and finding very cathartic

the prospect of one day finishing the orange cardigan that seems to be taking forever (see what I did there?)

feeling less stiff and achey since starting the new diet healthy eating plan

losing 6lbs

waking up early in the mornings - not sure why (the change of eating habits?). I always struggle with mornings, but lately I'm bright and breezy (fairly) early 

reading a good book 

Joining in with Karen at Pumpkin Sunrise


  1. I hope you share more of your healthy eating (aka diet???) in some posts, I do believe what we eat has an impact on how we feel. Although I do love the taste of donuts but feeling like one is not fun at all! I will be your cheerleader !

  2. I love this idea! Congratulations on the weight loss! I am glad you are feeling more energy. There are so many happy things to celebrate--thank you for sharing yours!


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