Wednesday, August 03, 2011

mr blue sky


  1. Lovely clouds.
    This morning over London?

  2. Monday afternoon, but close enough :)

  3. morning Debbie.. beautiful clouds.. looks so fluffy.. hope you have a beautiful day..

  4. Thanks, Hope. I was a nice day, but very hot. Thankfully cooler today, but alas raining....

  5. Little fluffy clouds; wasn't that a weird tune by The Orb? ANd the post title's another song! Every time I see Mr Blue Sky, it makes me think of ELO's hit but most of all, it makes me think of the very end of the song that the radio stations hardly every play - the choral bit. It's my favourite bit. And after that piece of musical trivia, I shall return to my Latin. :)

  6. Never heard of The Orb, is that one of your weird metal groups? I remember Mr Blue Sky, but not the choral part, you'll have to play it to me!


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