Despite the news that apparently that we are expecting a heatwave hotter than Hawaii this week, it feels like Autumn to me at the moment. The Virginia creeper that covers the fence in the back garden is starting to turn red. I love Virginia creeper and was so pleased to see it when we moved here, but it turned out a let down as invariably the wind takes most the leaves before they turn truly red.
I am always reminded at this time how close Christmas is, and how much there is to do. I am determined this year to actually enjoy December and the lead up to the festive season, as usually, in recent years with my bouts of anaemia and then CFS, I spend December stressed, overwhelmed and feeling ill. Last year it was well into February before I recovered. This year I am hoping to cut down on work, and plan ahead, and possibly even enjoy December, and then not be ill for weeks after Christmas, wouldn't that be nice.
It's a long time since I did a Parade of Adventures post. The idea initially came from the Flylady whose idea it was to call her daily 'to do list' by that name. I like the idea - I would much rather write a Parade of Adventures than a to do list, wouldn't you?
So, here is my Autumn parade of adventures for this year
- Knit a scarf
- Buy a good quality winter coat. The inexpensive one I bought last year resembled a dog blanket after half a dozen wears (thank you, Sainsbury)
- Go to the firework display on 5th November
- Buy some sparklers!
- Tidy and clean the house ready for Christmas tree and decorations
- Make a start on the Christmas shopping
- Put the garden to bed for the winter
- Declutter and organise the shed before it's too cold
- Buy myself flowers
- Eat soup, cinnamon toast and a toffee apple. Probably not together.
- Bake apples
- Plant bulbs and sweet peas for the Spring