Thursday, August 01, 2013


This garden belongs to a ruined church in London, two walls of which still stand. It is situated in a very busy street near St Paul's tube station and I pass it every time I go to Bart's hospital. I always think how charming it is, a little oasis of calm in the midst of the City, people and traffic rushing past and office blocks all around. Often when I go up to Bart's I stop on the way in a coffee shop for a drink and a snack. It was only yesterday as I passed, that I paused to take a few photographs and noticed the benches all around the garden, and I thought how lovely it would be to sit there in the garden for a while instead. I think usually the weather has been bad and I've been rushing by to get out of the wind/cold/rain but this time I stopped for a minute to look and thought to myself, next time.


  1. Oh how lovely! I would love to sit there too.

  2. gorgeous!! funny how we take our every day surroundings for granted. I think you should sit a spell just once.

  3. I'm a sucker when it comes to ruins of old churches and chapels, and luckily when I was wearing my writer's hat and writing for county mags I got to go into a lot of them. There's something other-worldly and peaceful about them.

  4. Thanks for your comments :)
    I have to go back to the hospital in September, and if it's a nice day I have promised myself I'll get a takeaway coffee and sit awhile.

  5. this is gorgeous. there is a small something-or-other near my business, next to a church, a place with benches, a place to sit and breathe for a moment, and this is what i fantasize it looks like, instead of what it really looks like. love, love, love.

  6. This is so incredibly lovely. I don't suppose we have anything old enough to be that beautiful in this country.


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