Thursday, November 04, 2010

Not so much Jam and Jerusalem

I went to my first Women's Institute meeting last night. Having long bemoaned the fact that there has never been a WI in my area I felt obliged to go along when I read in the local paper that a local branch had been started.
Unfortunately, the resident womble in our house managed to recycle the paper before I had a chance to make a note of the date of the first meeting. I emailed the WI area secretary and by the time I had a reply, the first monthly meeting had passed. So, last night off I duly went to the second meeting.
I was quite impressed. There were about forty women there. I was actually very surprised to see so much interest in the WI here, which probably goes to prove that I shouldn't make assumptions.
There has already been a cinema trip, and for this month a trip is planned to the Country Living Fair. I would love to go, but am banning myself from even thinking about it. I have a wedding to save up for!
I am hoping there will be spin off groups and workshops, opportunities to learn new things. There is already talk of a book group, and I would like to find a friendly soul to teach me crochet, after my last disastrous attempt during which it became obvious that I lack the part of the brain that is responsible for fibre arts.
I am looking forward to the next meeting which apparently will involve Christmas crafts and Swishing.

Neither Jam nor 'Jerusalem' were even mentioned.


  1. Hi Debbie, I am glad you pushed the button and shared your blog with the Universe. I know how hard it is to put yourself out there. I just started blogging last month as part of my Mondo Beyondo list. It has been a wonderful treat to "meet" people from all over the world.

    I am loving your POA list for the month. I saw Tina's too and I may just add that to my monthly schedule.

  2. Woo hoo Debbie! You know, you are *almost* tempting me to venture into the land of the WI... though yours sounds a bit livelier than ours.
    Anyway, lovely blog, I will be back!
    Sara x

  3. Ooh, I have comments!

    Nelly, starting a blog is on my MB list too. Feels good to have taken the plunge!

    Sara, though Jam and Jerusalem were not mentioned, making a WI calendar like THAT one was. I do so hope they were joking, that would be just a little TOO lively for my liking!

  4. I'm stopping by and will be back. Good for you for starting a place to post. Never call your inner thoughts drivel, they are your important ideas, be proud and own them.

    Thanks for sharing. Now... I'm about to write my Friday post.

    Ps- Like the POA idea.. may have to "borrow"


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