Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thanksgiving!

Whilst I am not American and therefore not qualified to celebrate Thanksgiving, I am sure no one will mind if I share a few things I am feeling thankful for today.

1. I am thankful for the Young Philosopher, currently living it up, sorry I mean studying at university. This was taken on his first day at University in September, with the cupboard I neatly arranged for him. I haven't been back there to check but I am sure it still looks exactly the same. Hmm.

2. I am thankful for the Dusty Professor, who told me a long time ago that he would make every day a good day, and he does.

3. I am, slightly reluctantly, thankful for Twitter . After avoiding it all this time, I finally succumbed and have been rewarded with lots of lovely links and ideas. I am NOT reactivating my facebook account, though.

4. I am thankful for the internet, which has enabled me to spend so many happy hours in housework avoidance over the years.

5. I am thankful for living in London. I spend a lot of time wishing I lived somewhere more rural, then I have a day out there and am reminded why I love it.

What are YOU thankful for today?


  1. I just wanted to say I love your attitude and your love for your family and you seem like a lovely happy person so I'm happy I found your blog. Oh and the fact that there will be WINE later. There :)

    Sasha @ The Happiness Project London

  2. You don't have to be American to be thankful! Nice post!


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