Monday, December 13, 2010

Reverb10: Action

Photograph by stevoarnold

Reverb10 Day 13, prompt by Scott Belsky:
When it comes to aspirations, it's not about ideas. It's about making ideas happen. What's your next step?

This year while I have not been working I have had time to think about what I would actually like to do, rather than what I have to do.

Writing. I have rediscovered a love for writing. I started this blog, and have a couple of writing projects on the go. Next step: I am considering taking a writing course.

Photography. I have always had a camera, but only ever the point and shoot kind, the same as I have at the moment. Recently I have found I really enjoy taking photographs. Next step: Learn how to use the camera properly, I never did read the instruction book! Read some photography books, take photos every day.

Creativity. There have always been crafts I would like to try, things I would like to make or do. Generally I haven't tried because I thought I couldn't. Next step: Just have a go! I have a list of creative ideas and things I would like to try, time to start working my way through it.

Home. One word. Minimalism. Next step: Get some.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Debbie! Good list. If you do find out how to get some minimalism (had trouble even spelling it) and how to keep it, give me a shout would you? ;-) ta, Sara x


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