Saturday, December 18, 2010

Reverbed Out

I have done my best with the Reverb10 prompts, but I am not really getting what I hoped from it. I am finding that my response to many of the prompts is to write about the same things. There are a finite number of key things that happened in my life in 2010 and I don't particularly want to write about them over and over.

So, unless one prompt particularly speaks to me, I'm out. Normal service will be resumed in the New Year, probably, unless inspiration strikes me before then.


  1. I'm feeling exactly the same with them really. I don't have great answers for them. But I'm going to finish it anyway - will be glad when it's done with.

  2. Hi, Thanks for stopping by!
    Well done for carrying on with it - I will look forward to reading your posts.

  3. Fair enough. I'm playing catch-up and finding myself writing similar things too.


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